technological development
This area includes all the consultancy activities for technological innovation, energy and resource efficiency, circular economy, industrial symbiosis, waste/by-products management and eco-design, life-cycle analysis (LCA) and costing (LCC), exploitation of IPR and market research, etc. carried out by Team in cooperation with companies and / or public administration.
european projects
For over thirty years we supported companies and public/private organizations in EU funded project development (idea/rationale definition, partner search, etc.) and management. Our projects covers a wide range of topics, from culture to the environment, from education to business creation, and funding Programmes (LIFE+, Horizon, Erasmus+).
business and
local development
We provide a tailored service for SMEs covering all the aspects from management control, accounting, on-line shop to strategic and social marketing services. We develop networks to bring businesses and territorial systems in larger circuits, to implement integrated added-value policies for products and markets, to foster entrepreneurial growth and innovation in connection with universities and research centres.
The services provided in training are always designed in close collaboration with the customer and can cover the whole training cycle: needs analysis, concept design and detail, organization of classroom activities, teaching, tutoring, monitoring and evaluation; or just few of the steps shown above.